Glitter Words

NOT ALONE -Christian Daily Devotion

Today was really a tiring day. I had a lot of things to do because we're going to have a tournament tomorrow. We, me and my team, had prepared our job descriptions, and I'm responsible for cooking class (my little plan was making a little Masterchef Junior competition).

I have planned everything for the last several days. I listed all my needs, ranked things according to its priority, wrote my rundown plan... in conclusion, I considered myself perfect in planning. But, today I understood one important thing that I've missed. I forgot that although I was responsible for what had been trusted to me, I did need a friend.

Yesterday I was so ready to print out my game outline, put rice thermos to the cook's house, take the vest order, shop (vegetables, reward), and still had to finish my slide orders. Huft... I did think that I could handle all this things alone, but I was absolutely wrong. If my friends didn't help today, I had probably been fainted now.

It's okay to be very independent, it's a very very good thing. But we can't always say, "If I can do it by myself, why should I bother others?" We are social creatures who do need other people to live. We can't expect ourself to be the boss, the treasurer, the secretary, the staff, the salesman, the office boy, the cook, the tailor, the cotton planter all at once (if you know what I mean). We need at least someone else to be part of our life. Even God needs us to be His object of love.

See, don't live alone anymore. There are friends around you.

God, thank you for my family, my partners, they who I call friends. I do not know how to live without them. Teach me about friendship, about trusting others. Teach me not to live all by myself, God. Thank you, Amen.

 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


A few hours ago a girl named Elis asked me to help her to do her homework. She said that she needed an informant to be interviewed for social class paper, with "successful person" as the theme. This eight year girl came to me with a thought in her mind that I was a successful woman and deserving to be the right resource person. She astounded me without knowing it. Why? Because I thought I wasn't the right person she looked for.

When she gave her question one by one, I was praying in my heart, saying, "God, help me to give the right answer to her. I'm really honored that this little girl considered me successful, I'm really touched by her appreciation to me. It's one of the sweetest things that I've ever heard, especially when it comes from a young cute girl. Maybe she doesn't really mean it, maybe she's just running out of time to work and person to meet, and that's why she picks me. But God, You know me better than anyone, You know me for who and what I am. Even though I'm not the right "successful" person, I make her thought as my own prayer, my future existence. God, I want to be a successful person before You "

After finishing the interview, I said to her, "Elis, I know that my answers might not make you confident enough. I just want you to know that success for me isn't about money or position, because I don't have it. For me success is about doing anything earnestly, working for the best result as much as we're able, and keeping your partners and supervisors' trust to you. Can you understand that?" Maybe she didn't really understand what I was trying to say, but I hope she will someday.

Some of us are used to think that being successful means highly perfect. We work hard in order to get a lot of money, buy a beautiful house, collect some motorcycles or cars, have several bank accounts, etc; we have a good education and position; our family is a happy family. I don't say those things aren't success, they're excellent, and who doesn't want them? But we Christians have the utmost success to chase, God's success.

God wants us to be someone who is more that what people expect, He wants us to be success from inside (our mind, our heart). He never says that being rich is a sin, but He wants us to be richer in our gift, our love, our patience, our integrity. He never says that having a good position is a sin, but He wants us to be the model in our leadership, our seniorship. He never says that working hard is a sin, but He wants us not to forget our personal prayer, our service, our ministry. In short, He wants us to be proudable before Him.

Be the right "successful" person; a person who isn't only successful before men, but more than that, successful before God.

Father in heaven, I want to be someone who succeeds before Your eyes. I want You to be proud of me. Give me Your wisdom, Give me Your heart, Give me Your Spirit in order to do that. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Tim. 4:7

Motivasi Terkini: Alasan Aku Ada

Motivasi Terkini: Alasan Aku Ada: Pagi itu Hana menuju ke taman untuk berolahraga. Pada pukul 4.00 pagi Hana meninggalkan rumah dan sengaja mengabaikan telpon yang ...

In every situation...

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My collection of stitch

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The life with stitch..............


Hidup itu bukan untuk dikuatirkan,
Hidup itu untuk dinikmati dengan senyuman
Saat kau merasa sendiri,
datanglah pada Yesus karena Dia tak pernah tinggalkanmu
Saat orang lain menghinamu,
ingatlah bahwa kau berharga di mata-Nya
Saat kau tersakiti,
berdoalah karena Tuhan akan mengubah semua itu menjadi berkat
Saat kau bimbang,
panggilah Yesus karena Dia akan memegang erat hidupmu
Hidup itu anugerah yang indah,
nikmatilah hidupmu dengan bersyukur pada-Nya


early morning i was turn on my lappy to read "OUR DAILY BREAD". during reading the devotion articles, my eyes suddenly look the one link "SURAT DARI BAPA". So, i was click the link and read...i was touched and like to share to share this to all. Enjoy reading and feel the love from GOD...


Engkau mungkin tidak mengenal Aku, tetapi Aku mengenal segala sesuatu tentang dirimu – Mazmur 139:1
Aku tahu kalau engkau duduk atau berdiri – Mazmur 139:2
Aku mengerti segala jalanmu – Mazmur 139:3
Setiap helai rambut kepalamu, terhitung semuanya – Matius 10:29-31
Karena engkau diciptakan dalam gambar dan rupa-Ku – Kejadian 1:26-27

Di dalam-Ku engkau hidup, engkau bergerak dan engkau ada – Kisah Para Rasul 17:28
Sebab engkau ini adalah keturunan-Ku – Kisah Para Rasul 17:28
Aku mengenal engkau sejak sebelum engkau ada dalam kandungan – Yeremia 1:4-5
Aku memilih engkau dari semula sebelum Aku menciptakan segalanya – Efesus 1:4-5
Engkau ada bukan karena suatu kesalahan, karena hari-harimu ada tertulis dalam kitab-Ku -. Mazmur 139:15-16
Aku telah menentukan waktu yang tepat untuk kelahiran dan di mana engkau akan hidup – Kisah Para Rasul 17:26

Kejadianmu dahsyat dan ajaib – Mazmur 139:14
Karena Aku menenun engkau dalam kandungan ibumu – Mazmur 139:13
Dan mengeluarkan engkau pada hari engkau dilahirkan – Mazmur 71:6

Seringkali Aku tidak dipahami oleh mereka yang tidak mengenal Aku – Yohanes 8:41-44
Aku tidak berada di tempat jauh dan murka, tetapi Aku adalah kasih yang sempurna -
1 Yohanes 4:16

Dan adalah kerinduan-Ku untuk mengaruniakan kasih-Ku untukmu – 1 Yohanes 3:1
Semua itu karena engkau adalah anak-Ku dan Aku adalah Bapamu -. 1 Yohanes 3:1
Aku memberikan lebih dari yang dapat diberikan bapamu yang di dunia – Matius 7:11
Karena Akulah Bapamu di surga yang adalah sempurna – Matius 5:48
Setiap pemberian yang baik dan setiap anugerah yang sempurna engkau terima dari tangan-Ku – Yakobus 1:17
Karena Akulah pemeliharaanmu dan Aku membri semua yang engkau perlukan - Matius 6:31-33
Rancangan-Ku yang diberikan kepadamu adalah hari depan yang penuh harapan – Yeremia 29:11
Karena Aku mengasihi engkau dengan kasih yang kekal – Yeremia 31:3
Aku merindukan untuk mengokohkan engkau dengan segenap hati-Ku dan jiwa-Ku – Yeremia 32:41Pikiran-Ku terhadap engkau tidak terhitung seperti pasir di tepi pantai – Mazmur 139:17-18
Dan Aku bergirang karena engkau dengan sukacita dan sorak-sorai – Zefanya 3:-17

Aku tidak perrnah berhenti berbuat baik kepadamu – Yeremia 32:40
Karena engkaulah harta kesayangan-Ku – Keluaran 19:5
Aku akan menunjukkan kepadamu hal-hal yang besar dan ajaib – Yeremia 33:3
Jika engkau mencari Aku dengan segenap hatimu, engkau akan menemukan Aku – Ulangan 4:29
Bergembiralah karena Aku, maka Aku akan memberikan kepadamu apa yang diinginkan hatimu – Matius 37:4
Karena Akulah yang mengerjakan di dalammu kemauan itu – Filipi 2:13
Aku dapat melakukan jauh lebih banyak daripada yang engkau plkirkan – Efesus 3:20
Karena Akulah yang meng-anugrahkan penghiburan abadi kepadamu -
2 Tesalonika 2:16-17

Akulah juga Bapa yang menghiburmu dalam segala penderitaanmu – 2 Korintus 1:3-4
Ketika engkau patah hati, Aku berada dekat kepadamu – Mazmur 34:19
Seperti seorang gembala menggembalakan dombanya. Aku membawa engkau dekat ke hati-Ku – Yesaya 40:11
Suatu hari Aku akan menghapus semua air mata dari matamu – Wahyu 21:3-4
Dan Aku akan mengangkat semua kesusahan yang engkau derita di atas bumi – Wahyu 21:3-4
Akulah Bapamu, dan Aku mengasihi engkau seperti Aku mengasihi putra-Ku Yesus – Yohanes 17:23
Karena di dalam Yesus, kasih-Ku kepadamu dinyatakan – Yohanes 17:26
Dialah gambar wujud dari keberadaan-Ku – Ibrani 1:3
Ia datang untuk menyatakan bahwa Aku di pihakmu, dan bukan untuk melawamu – Roma 8:31
Dan untuk memberitahumu bahwa Aku tidak memperhitungkan pelanggaranmu - 2 Korintus 5:18-19

Yesus mati supaya engkau dan Aku dapat diperdamaikan – 2 Korintus 5:18-19
Kematian-Nya adalah pernyataan terbesar dari kasih-Ku untukmu – 1Yohanes 4:10
Aku menyerahkan semua yang Aku sayangi supaya Aku mendapat kasihmu -
Roma 8:31-32
Jika engkau menerima anugrah Anak-Ku Yesus, engkau juga menerima Aku -
1 Yohanes 2:23
Dan tidak lagi ada yang akan memisahkan engkau dari kasih-Ku – Roma 8:38-39
Kembalilah dan Aku akan mengadakan pesta terbesar yang pernah ada di surga – Lukas 15:7
Selamanya Aku adalah Bapa. dan selamanya Aku tetaplah Bapa – Efesus 3:14-15
PertanyaanKu adalah – Maukah engkau menjadi Anak-Ku? – Yohanes 1:12-13
Aku menanti-nanti untukmu – Lukas 15:11-32


Is their ever been person in your life that had inspired you to do something or just astonishes you with their achievements? For me there is my LORD is the most self motivated person I know. No matter what comes in his way, he conquers it, then moves on to the next challenge. HE talks everything about LOVE in the BIBLE.. 

 y? Bcoz...i like his style and more than that his my "flower boy" hahaha very funny...... 

 3rd person is.....KIMORA LEE SIMMONS y? because i like her fashion....she is mother with 2 little girl and 1 boy..although she busy with her company but she never ignore her kids...sometimes she bring her kids along into modelling... 

 4th person.... my SWEETIE frens.... y? because they make my days so fun and bring a lot of laughter...they colors my life beautifully... 

 5th- my.......??? bring the big happiness and create a ;) much!!!!!

Song Joong Ki Profile Name: Song Joong-Ki Hangul: ์†ก์ค‘๊ธฐ Birthdate: September 19, 1985 Birthplace: South Korea Height: 178cm Blood Type:A Weight-65kg Movies.. A Werewolf Boy | Neukdae Sonyeon (2012) - Chul-Soo (wolf-boy) The Grand Heist | Baramgwa Hamjje Sarajida (2012) - Jung Yak-Yong (cameo) Penny Pinchers | Taeunagin Haetjiman (2011) - Ji-Woong Hearty Paws 2 | Maeumee 2 (2010) - Dong-Wook Where the Truth Lies | Itaewon Salinsageon (2009) -Jo Jong-Pil (murder victim) Five Senses of Eros | Ogamdo (2009) - Yoo Jae-Hyuk (segment "Believe in the Moment") A Frozen Flower | Ssanghwajeom (2008) - No-Tak TV Dramas.. The Innocent Man | Sesang Eodiedo Eobneun Chakan Namja (KBS2 / 2012) - Kang Ma-Roo Tree With Deep Roots | Bboori Gipeun Namoo (SBS / 2011) - Lee Do (young) Sungkyunkwan Scandal (KBS2 / 2010) - Ku Yong-Ha Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctors | Sanbuingwa (SBS / 2010) - Ahn Kyeong-Woo Will It Snow For Christmas? | Keurisumaseue Neunyi Olggayo? (SBS / 2009) My Fair Lady | Agasshireul Butakhae (KBS2 / 2009) - handsome butler (cameo) Triple (MBC / 2009) - Ji Poong-Ho My Precious Child | Nae Sarang Keumjiok Yeop (KBS2 / 2008-2009) - Jang Jin-Ho


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starting a new sem nits gonna b my last sem before teaching practicum....m over exited to teach.....thanks God for my beautiful result last pointer a little bit down but still in "dean list" i move forward for 2 subjects left......m graduate soon.....