Glitter Words


A few hours ago a girl named Elis asked me to help her to do her homework. She said that she needed an informant to be interviewed for social class paper, with "successful person" as the theme. This eight year girl came to me with a thought in her mind that I was a successful woman and deserving to be the right resource person. She astounded me without knowing it. Why? Because I thought I wasn't the right person she looked for.

When she gave her question one by one, I was praying in my heart, saying, "God, help me to give the right answer to her. I'm really honored that this little girl considered me successful, I'm really touched by her appreciation to me. It's one of the sweetest things that I've ever heard, especially when it comes from a young cute girl. Maybe she doesn't really mean it, maybe she's just running out of time to work and person to meet, and that's why she picks me. But God, You know me better than anyone, You know me for who and what I am. Even though I'm not the right "successful" person, I make her thought as my own prayer, my future existence. God, I want to be a successful person before You "

After finishing the interview, I said to her, "Elis, I know that my answers might not make you confident enough. I just want you to know that success for me isn't about money or position, because I don't have it. For me success is about doing anything earnestly, working for the best result as much as we're able, and keeping your partners and supervisors' trust to you. Can you understand that?" Maybe she didn't really understand what I was trying to say, but I hope she will someday.

Some of us are used to think that being successful means highly perfect. We work hard in order to get a lot of money, buy a beautiful house, collect some motorcycles or cars, have several bank accounts, etc; we have a good education and position; our family is a happy family. I don't say those things aren't success, they're excellent, and who doesn't want them? But we Christians have the utmost success to chase, God's success.

God wants us to be someone who is more that what people expect, He wants us to be success from inside (our mind, our heart). He never says that being rich is a sin, but He wants us to be richer in our gift, our love, our patience, our integrity. He never says that having a good position is a sin, but He wants us to be the model in our leadership, our seniorship. He never says that working hard is a sin, but He wants us not to forget our personal prayer, our service, our ministry. In short, He wants us to be proudable before Him.

Be the right "successful" person; a person who isn't only successful before men, but more than that, successful before God.

Father in heaven, I want to be someone who succeeds before Your eyes. I want You to be proud of me. Give me Your wisdom, Give me Your heart, Give me Your Spirit in order to do that. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Tim. 4:7

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