Glitter Words

NOT ALONE -Christian Daily Devotion

Today was really a tiring day. I had a lot of things to do because we're going to have a tournament tomorrow. We, me and my team, had prepared our job descriptions, and I'm responsible for cooking class (my little plan was making a little Masterchef Junior competition).

I have planned everything for the last several days. I listed all my needs, ranked things according to its priority, wrote my rundown plan... in conclusion, I considered myself perfect in planning. But, today I understood one important thing that I've missed. I forgot that although I was responsible for what had been trusted to me, I did need a friend.

Yesterday I was so ready to print out my game outline, put rice thermos to the cook's house, take the vest order, shop (vegetables, reward), and still had to finish my slide orders. Huft... I did think that I could handle all this things alone, but I was absolutely wrong. If my friends didn't help today, I had probably been fainted now.

It's okay to be very independent, it's a very very good thing. But we can't always say, "If I can do it by myself, why should I bother others?" We are social creatures who do need other people to live. We can't expect ourself to be the boss, the treasurer, the secretary, the staff, the salesman, the office boy, the cook, the tailor, the cotton planter all at once (if you know what I mean). We need at least someone else to be part of our life. Even God needs us to be His object of love.

See, don't live alone anymore. There are friends around you.

God, thank you for my family, my partners, they who I call friends. I do not know how to live without them. Teach me about friendship, about trusting others. Teach me not to live all by myself, God. Thank you, Amen.

 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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