Glitter Words


Everyday we try to do our best. We work for the best result and our goal is perfectness. It's good, and even a very good thing to do. But, whom are those things for?

We live among people, who know God and do not know God. Have we pay attention that they who do not know God, our God, also do good things, even things better than what Christians do? We have to admit that sometimes they do better than us in terms of doing God's words. But how come? They don't even know our bible and don't even trust our God!

We stay in a world where Christianity are demanded to show who is Jesus Christ. People can do things we do, but the clear difference between them and us is that we do things for the name of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the sake of Holy Spirit (not for ourselves). That's why Paul reminds us to do everything as for God, not for men.

But, what's its difference with we, Christians, doing best things? When we do best, it is stop on our standard. No matter how high that standard, it is still far from God's. But when we do things for God, we will do best things over best things we usually do. Why? Because the purpose of our deeds are not ourselves, but God of all created things.

We are children of God of BEST THINGS!!!

Dear God, now I know my purpose of life, that is to do best of the best. I need Your interference over my life. Please remind it to me, always. I love You, God. Amen

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
Col. 3:23