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Christian Daily Devotion: DREAM HOUSE

Christian Daily Devotion: DREAM HOUSE: There was a little girl who lived in a small house. From their very simple house, the girl often looked across the valley, where a b...

GOD'S PLAN IS ALWAYS THE BEST|! (\Christian Daily Devotion)

How do you feel if you never get things that you really want? It’s a bit annoying, actually, but that’s how I feel about this life. Sometimes I thought that I was a kind of person who knew exactly what I really wanted, such as to which school I wanted to study, but I was wrong.

I used to think that my choice is the best choice in life. And because of this “wrong independent thought”, I had to make many times of adjustments. What kind of adjustment? Well, when I entered my senior high school, I remembered that I came there with low low motivation. Why? Because It was not the one I wanted. I had to arrange my feeling every time I went to school, and it took about 6 months for me to realized that I was there not by coincidence, but by a plan that only God who knew.

It happened again when I wanted to go to university. I was planning to enter one of the universities in my city right after graduating from senior high school. But God set another plan. My parents had no money to bring me in, that’s why I had to find it by my own (it means that I have to work first to get some money for college) and it took three years for me to have them. In the fourth year I knew that I could not enter public university since I’d missed the proper years to join the submission test. Finally, I went to a private college not for from my house.

The college where I studied used to be a quite popular college (with its major faculty), but a year before I entered, there was a problem inside the foundation and a huge demonstration could not be avoided. Because of this problem, there were only two classes in the first year, in my year.

What could I say then? I felt like I was in the wrong place and at the wrong time. I said that because I still did not know what His plan for me, and I started to realize it when I was in the second semester.

Because there were not many students, the lecturers were more focused on us and I had less difficulty in earning good score in almost every class. It also influenced the dean’s consideration in giving scholarship. In short, I could get finance aid until I graduated and had more chance to deepen my knowledge through several competitions. And the best thing of all, I could also know good new friends in God. In conclusion, I finally knew what’s God plan for me.

We might think that we know everything, that we know what’s the best for us, but trust me, God’s plans is far more better compared to our plans. What we have to do is being patient until He reveals those plans. You may not trust me, but you absolutely can trust Him.

HOPE (Christian Daily Devotion)

"Oh, God... what's going on with today? Everything doesn't go right. Is there something wrong with me? Are You punishing me, or just testing me? Do You hate me???? AAAHHHHhhhh..."

That day was truly truly truly tiring day. I think it was the most tiring day in my life. Can you imagine? I woke up late. I forgot several things to prepare the last day. My motorbike suddenly failed. The computer didn't work. I made a lot of mistakes during my performance. I was on my way home when it suddenly rained. I had to struggle under the rain and it suddenly stopped when I was home.

When I remembered this, and wrote this, all that I can feel was angry. And I almost forgot one thing that made me "fix" again. I heard my senior pastor read a verse, Rom. 5:3-5. I know that this verse doesn't talk about kind of suffering that I've been experienced, but it still give me strength, especially when it mentions about HOPE.

In every difficult situation, God wants us to see HOPE; hope that everything will be alright again, hope that difficult times will be replaced with joyful times, hope that God is always planning something behind all things happen (where it is always something good). What do we have to do is to believe and give thanks. It might sound simple, but remember this, "There is power in simplicity."

Then, be grateful, and just believe!!!

Father in heaven, thank you for everyday that You've given to me. Teach me to be grateful and believe, teach me to see Your wonderful creation, hope, each day. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
 Heb. 6:19