Glitter Words

That's Faith Can Do by Kutless

Everybody falls sometimes
 Gotta find the strength to rise 
From the ashes And make a new beginning 
 Anyone can feel the ache 

You think it's more than you can take
 But you're stronger Stronger than you know 
 Don't you give up now 
The sun will soon be shining 
You gotta face the clouds To find the silver lining 

 I've seen dreams that move the mountains 
Hope that doesn't ever end 
Even when the sky is falling
 I've seen miracles just happen 
Silent prayers get answered 
Broken hearts become brand new 
That's what faith can do

 It doesn't matter what you've heard
 Impossible is not a word It's just a reason
 For someone not to try 
 Everybody's scared to death 
When they decide to take that step 
Out on the water It'll be alright
 Life is so much more 
Than what your eyes are seeing
 You will find your way If you keep believing

 I've seen dreams that move the mountains
 Hope that doesn't ever end
 Even when the sky is falling I've seen miracles just happen 
Silent prayers get answered
 Broken hearts become brand new 
That's what faith can do
 Overcome the odds 
You don't have a chance (That's what faith can do) 

When the world says you can't It'll tell you that you can
 I've seen dreams that move the mountains
 Hope that doesn't ever end 
Even when the sky is falling
 And I've seen miracles just happen 
Silent prayers get answered Broken hearts become brand new 
That's what faith can do 
That's what faith can do

 Even if you fall sometimes 
You will have the strength to rise

P.U.S.H (Prayer Until Something Happens)

I notice something common in some Christian conversation. It appears each time they talk about their plan, their problem, or their struggle. What is that? It is the term of, "... at least, pray."

Prayer sometimes refers to last attempt in dealing with things. "At least, pray" gives a connotation that prayer is the minimal effort when people still have no clue about other things to do. Well, ironically, prayer is the most powerful way among many powerful ways to solve problems.

P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens) is supposed to be the first thing that comes to mind at every situation. I can not guarantee that every prayer will come true, but God can guarantee that endless prayer will be heard, and when it is made based on God's will, it will take its form, REALITY.

You can list hundreds ways to solve your problems, but make prayer as the first solution. And if you can only find prayer as the only solution, don't worry, it is more than enough. Prayer is more than enough; it's just, don't stop doing it, for its effect equals to billions solutions.

Dear God, I come before You with all I am. I bring You my life, my plan, my future, my problems. Help me to live it, God, since I have no more power and clue to face it. I know that You hear prayers, that's why I won't stop praying. In the name of Jesus Christ, my prayer hearer, Amen.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 
Jas. 5:16