Glitter Words


People often think that the greatest gifts are the expensive and rare ones, but I don't think so. We can always give priceless gift at all days in our life. What is that? It is smile. Smile is the easiest and cheapest kindness we can give to others. Believe it or not, but smile can even transform hatred into love.

There are two people who live as neighbors. Their houses are not too far but they haven't known each other. One of them is a christian who loves to go to church, and each time she goes to church, she will pass her neighbor's house.

Without obvious reason, her neighbor didn't like her. It was expressed every time they met. The neighbor would always give a strange look and a way face. This christian never dared to ask why her neighbor did so. All she did was praying and asking God what should she do. One day she woke up with something in her mind. She decided to smile. She thought that smiling was a free and positive thing to do and she believed that it would make her neighbor's attitude changed over her.

Since that day, this christian always smiles to the neighbor. It didn't show any positive result at first, but in the next days, she finds that her strategy works, her neighbor starts to smile too. Now, they have a good relationship.

We can be God's hand in order to bless people through little things. You don't have to do dramatic or awesome things to attract them; just do something simple, as smiling.

Smile and the world will smile with you.
The world can't always make you smile,
but each time you smile, the world will also smile.


There was a clown at a park. Its funny face made every child who saw it laughed. Its funny style made every person who passed by smiled. Of course, that is what a clown do, to make other people happy. Of course, that was what this clown tried to do, to make other people joyful.

After working, the clown went to a public rest room to change and clean his make up. He was very different without his costume and make up. He looked so sad. When he went out, a father and his daughter approached him. Without recognizing the man, the father asked, "Excuse me, Sir. Do you see a clown around this park? My daughter really wants to meet him and see his attraction." With a tired and full of burden face, the man answered, "I am the clown."

True joy and happiness can only be seen in its nature, purity, heavenly nature. People can tell others that they are joyful, that they are happy, but it won't last forever; it will be easily gone when trouble and problem comes. Even a clown can hide his sadness through costume and make up, but that is not the real joy and happiness.

God wants us to be joyful always, no matter what our condition is. See... He wants "always/eternal/everlasting" joy, not the fake one. Such kind of joy (everlasting joy) can not be made up. Such kind of joy can only be gained from God.

Christian Daily Devotion: PLEASING WORDS

Christian Daily Devotion: PLEASING WORDS: "I'm proud of you!" It is the most unforgettable sentence which was ever said by my brother. I am grateful that I knew hi...


Be the salt and the light of the world!

Salt makes food salty, tasty. Light makes a place seen, clear, brighter. Salt keeps away tastelessness. Light keeps away darkness. Salt is meaningless to sea, salty things. Light is meaningless to bright places.

Both salt and light has a great influence over things it touches. Yet, it has no meaning among its kind. So, be the salt and the light for the needing people, at the needing places.

Someone ever said that most Christians who are born and raised and surrounded by Christians give a very minimum contribution in the world of evangelism. Why? Because all they see are people who do not need to be saved anymore. They should go outside, to the world, so that they can be the real salt and light for those who really need it.

Now, be the real salt and light that is highly effective and efficient for the hunger world.

Dear Father in heaven, use me as Your salt and light. I want to be the useful, the real salt and light, but I don't know where to start. Show me how to change a taste and replace a darkness in the heart of those who need You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Mat. 5:13-14


Everyday we try to do our best. We work for the best result and our goal is perfectness. It's good, and even a very good thing to do. But, whom are those things for?

We live among people, who know God and do not know God. Have we pay attention that they who do not know God, our God, also do good things, even things better than what Christians do? We have to admit that sometimes they do better than us in terms of doing God's words. But how come? They don't even know our bible and don't even trust our God!

We stay in a world where Christianity are demanded to show who is Jesus Christ. People can do things we do, but the clear difference between them and us is that we do things for the name of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the sake of Holy Spirit (not for ourselves). That's why Paul reminds us to do everything as for God, not for men.

But, what's its difference with we, Christians, doing best things? When we do best, it is stop on our standard. No matter how high that standard, it is still far from God's. But when we do things for God, we will do best things over best things we usually do. Why? Because the purpose of our deeds are not ourselves, but God of all created things.

We are children of God of BEST THINGS!!!

Dear God, now I know my purpose of life, that is to do best of the best. I need Your interference over my life. Please remind it to me, always. I love You, God. Amen

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
Col. 3:23

That's Faith Can Do by Kutless

Everybody falls sometimes
 Gotta find the strength to rise 
From the ashes And make a new beginning 
 Anyone can feel the ache 

You think it's more than you can take
 But you're stronger Stronger than you know 
 Don't you give up now 
The sun will soon be shining 
You gotta face the clouds To find the silver lining 

 I've seen dreams that move the mountains 
Hope that doesn't ever end 
Even when the sky is falling
 I've seen miracles just happen 
Silent prayers get answered 
Broken hearts become brand new 
That's what faith can do

 It doesn't matter what you've heard
 Impossible is not a word It's just a reason
 For someone not to try 
 Everybody's scared to death 
When they decide to take that step 
Out on the water It'll be alright
 Life is so much more 
Than what your eyes are seeing
 You will find your way If you keep believing

 I've seen dreams that move the mountains
 Hope that doesn't ever end
 Even when the sky is falling I've seen miracles just happen 
Silent prayers get answered
 Broken hearts become brand new 
That's what faith can do
 Overcome the odds 
You don't have a chance (That's what faith can do) 

When the world says you can't It'll tell you that you can
 I've seen dreams that move the mountains
 Hope that doesn't ever end 
Even when the sky is falling
 And I've seen miracles just happen 
Silent prayers get answered Broken hearts become brand new 
That's what faith can do 
That's what faith can do

 Even if you fall sometimes 
You will have the strength to rise

P.U.S.H (Prayer Until Something Happens)

I notice something common in some Christian conversation. It appears each time they talk about their plan, their problem, or their struggle. What is that? It is the term of, "... at least, pray."

Prayer sometimes refers to last attempt in dealing with things. "At least, pray" gives a connotation that prayer is the minimal effort when people still have no clue about other things to do. Well, ironically, prayer is the most powerful way among many powerful ways to solve problems.

P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens) is supposed to be the first thing that comes to mind at every situation. I can not guarantee that every prayer will come true, but God can guarantee that endless prayer will be heard, and when it is made based on God's will, it will take its form, REALITY.

You can list hundreds ways to solve your problems, but make prayer as the first solution. And if you can only find prayer as the only solution, don't worry, it is more than enough. Prayer is more than enough; it's just, don't stop doing it, for its effect equals to billions solutions.

Dear God, I come before You with all I am. I bring You my life, my plan, my future, my problems. Help me to live it, God, since I have no more power and clue to face it. I know that You hear prayers, that's why I won't stop praying. In the name of Jesus Christ, my prayer hearer, Amen.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 
Jas. 5:16


There is an interesting movie to watch, entitled “Evan Almighty”. The movie telling us about modern Noah does seem irrational; a member of city council was chosen by God to build an ark, for the area where he lived would be washed away by water from a dam. The funny thing is, the councilor, a man who always kept up his appearance, turned into Noah-look (with beard and long white hair, and a long brown robe) in a short time. But I’m not going to talk about that now.

A scene giving me a spiritual awareness was when God, in form of a waiter, talked to the city councilor’s wife who intended to leave her husband because she thought that her husband was crazy. The point is God said, if someone prayed for patience, would God give him patience, or a chance to be patient? Or, if someone prayed for family closeness, would God give him that closeness, or an opportunity to be close to each other?

Can you catch my point? What I’m going to say is, when we ask for faith, sometimes we’ll find that God doesn’t suddenly give us faith. On a contrary, He faces us to situations where we realize that we can’t overcome them with our own strength, but to have FAITH in Him.

Pay attention to these situations! As if we were asked to be aware of our prayers, or on the other hand, we were drawn closer to the answer of our prayers. How come? Both possibilities must be seen through different sides. Those who do not want to accept the challenge might choose not to pray. But those who start to understand how God works, how prayer works, will pray more than ever, wait for the challenge to come, and decided to win it.

And now, which way will be your choice?

God, I want to be closer to You. Help me to face this life, and don’t leave me. I do need You. I will not stop praying. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Col. 4:2

Christian Daily Devotion: LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN

Christian Daily Devotion: LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN: I wondered, why God appreciates children so much. Do some people even think that children are troublesome? In fact, we sometimes hea...

Christian Daily Devotion: WEAK LOVE

Christian Daily Devotion: WEAK LOVE: There was a woman who was falling in love. She loved her boyfriend so much, and she believed that someday they would unite as husband an...

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (Christian Daily Devotion)

You love me for the way I am
You accept me for whatever I am
You never reject me for my weakness
You always welcome me with open arms

Your unconditional love has filled me
made me precious and worth to love
I've never met someone like You
who is so beautiful in the way You are

God, I'm so grateful to have You
I'm so blessed to know You
With You only I want to spend my days
You're the one I want, no other

Lots of songs I will offer before Your throne
I will fill Your house with adoration
Psalms of praise will come up from my room
every second, every minute, forever

God, thank you for the unconditional love
I think I can never be able to repay You
not in this life, not even in eternity
But allow me to love You with all I am

Lead me to make choice

posted from Bloggeroid


"Hello...?? I can't hear you... P P Please say it again! I I can't he..hear yo..u!!" (bbhruaer bhgruayck kakd....biiiiiiiiipp)
Obviously... our phone doesn't always run well, does it?

One thing why I love to be a christian is how free I am to call God, Father. That word makes me feel very close to Him. That word makes me always want to call Him. That word makes me very blessed to have someone as a father like Him.

Our cell phone delimits our call on places. What is the evidence? It's very difficult for us to make a contact to someone on the sea, right? But our prayer will never be delimited. God will hear our prayer without any difficulty. Our words will move straight above to His presence without any signal interference. That makes His presence so close to us; He is only as far as our prayer.

So does God... He always be able to contact us. He will tell His secret to us; nothing will be hidden. Isn't it lovely? To talk at anytime, anywhere, with God the host of the universe?

Just be careful, because there is one thing that can block our communication with Him, our sin. When we have settled this problem, there is nothing to worry about. Our heavenly phone will run more than well. All we have to remember is to have a pure life, then we or God will be very easy to say, "Call me" or "Call ME".

God, please call me everyday, every time. I want to hear Your voice for the whole of my life. Thank you for making me Your child so that I can call You, Father, every time I want to. Then, Father, thank you. Amen

The LORD is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
 Proverb 15:29


Having a pure heart is a very difficult thing to do. You have to be used to thing I call sacrifice. Someone can sacrifice things for others, but he might not have a pure heart. But the pure heart will never spent their time without sacrificing things for other people.

I had an appointment with my friends this evening. The place where we should meet was quite far from my house. My friends have their own motorcycle, but I haven't, and it makes me find difficulties to go to certain or far places. I didn't mind going by myself, taking the public transportation. But I had to go earlier than them because the public transportation around my place isn't as much as in other areas. If I ask you to calculate my expense for one day trip using public transportation, it will be enough for three days trips using motorcycle.

Arriving at the place, some of my friends borrowed some money from me. I wouldn't mind giving them the money, because I knew that they really needed it at that time. Besides, I also thought that I still have enough money to go home. Time moved on and it was getting late. When our activity ended, and I went home by taking public transportation, I realized that I didn't have enough money to take another transportation to get home. I stopped at the closest place to my house district, but I still had to walk for about 20 minutes to get home. No wonder, I was tired.

Without realizing it, I was suddenly filled with disappointment over my friends. "Why didn't they understand me or even try to help me?" This mind blinded me from God's voice. Thankfully, I prayed... It was the moment when God renewed my power and my heart. He thanked me for being independence and for being so kind that day. He said that I've done a good thing and that He appreciated it. He reminded me, deep inside me heart, that I had to learn to have a pure heart. He said it was not easy, but it was worth fighting, because He loved the pure heart.

When I said, "He (God) said...", it was not literal thing, but I knew I was right, I heard His voice through the Holy Spirit, I wrote His words through the Bible that He loves the pure heart. You may have also experienced times when you should sacrifice things, and it seems like you are the unlucky ones, but notice this, God know what you've done and He appreciates it. Don't contaminate it with complaint or grumble. Let's learn to have a pure heart, because that is what He wants.

FIND THE RHYTHM (Christian Daily Devotion)

“I’m busy! I have a lot of work at the office. I also have housework to do. I have to go to church, to cell group meeting... Oh God, I’m really really tired! What if I do not go to church this Sunday? What if I ask for a break in the ministry? Let me finish my job first. Besides, I can still go to cell group next week.”

Bustle sometimes becomes the reason for some Christians to put ministry in the second place, weekly service in the third place, and even... God in the fourth place. They think that their job, college, school, or family and friends are more “urgent” than spiritual matter. “If I do not work overtime on the weekend, I won’t have enough money for my daily needs. If I join the ministry now, I won’t have enough time to study; I’m facing final test, you know. I don’t have time for personal prayer, because I have a lot of work to do.”

Does God prevent us from working or studying? I believe no. He indeed wants each of us work diligently, bless our family and community so others can glorify our God. I also believe that He’s the one who plans our job, our school, our family. He also wants us, more that anything, put Him before other things in our life.

If it is true that we have a lot of work to do, why can’t we manage them so that we can still go to church and have personal prayer? If it is true that there are a lot of assignments and tests at school, why can’t we study far days before the examination? If it is true that we have family events, why can’t we have them after the Sunday service?

I realize that these days people business is far more complex than my grandparents or my parents generation. Without any intention to judge or lecture, but, what is more important than God? Without Him, we won’t be able to work well. Without Him, we won’t be able to study well. Without Him, we won’t be able to have a lovely family. So, why don’t we try to find the solution? Keep working, keep schooling, keep spending time with family , but not leaving personal prayer, service, or ministry? The answer for this situation is TO FIND THE RHYTHM OF OUR LIFE.

God’s wisdom will help us to the rhythm of this life; when do we have to work, what do have to do, what preparation do we have to make? He will show us the way to arrange everything without eliminating or pushing aside personal prayer, service, and ministry. God’s wisdom will also help us to count on Him, to live in faith, so that we don’t have to worry about any lack or failure.

Now, let’s find the rhythm of our life!

Father in heaven, forgive me for deprioritizing You. I want to learn to put You on the highest place in my life, and I need Your wisdom in order to do it. Please help me to find my rhythm of Life, God. Amen.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Mat. 6:33

Christian Daily Devotion: BEST FRIEND

Christian Daily Devotion: BEST FRIEND: Best friend is more than just a friend or colleague Best friend is even closer than a brother Best friend can’t be found instantly...

Long distance relationship...

posted from Bloggeroid

OPEN YOUR HEART (Christian Daily Devotion)

If you can not find eternal joy
and you can not feel everlasting love
which changes your old life
and makes the new one meaningful,
open your heart,
set your eyes on Him,
surrender your life,
glorify His name,
and accept His faithful promises.
You’ll find the meaning of your life in Him

No man on earth can give what you seek
No power on earth can please you indeed
No treasure on earth can satisfy your soul
No love on earth can save your spirit

Realize that everything will disappear
It’s only a matter of time that
He’s coming again...


If I ask you this question, "If you have a choice, what part of your body that you want to replace? Why don't you like them or why do you want to replace them?" what is your answer?

"I want to replace my eyes. I am slant-eyed and I don't like it. I want to have bigger and rounder eyes."
"I don't like my legs. I think they are too short. I want to replace them with longer legs so I can be taller than I'm now."
"I think I hate my face. No one considers me pretty. That's why I want to replace it and have a more beautiful face. I will have a surgery to make myself prettier, then no one will think that I'm ugly anymore."

Let's see the phenomena happening in these modern days. More people want to be like other people. The straight hair want to be the curly hair. On the contrary, the curly hair will have their hair smoothed. The darker skin want to be the white skin. While the white skin tanned their skin under the sun. Huft... what a confusing world.

It's okay to have a new look, it sometimes can refresh our mind. But, try to love yourself for whatever you are. Does God say that each of us is precious before Him? Does He say that His creation, us, is a perfect creation? Some people even think that when God creates us, He will destroy our blueprint as soon as we are created. It means that no one compares to us. We are the only we in this universe. You are the only you in this universe. Can you imagine that?

Accepting our self is one way to show our gratitude to God. God never forbid us to take care of our body, but he doesn't want us to take care of it for other purposes beside truth, His truth. Besides, our body isn't eternal. Now I urge you to love yourself the way you are, because you are precious before God's eyes.

God, thank you for making me the way I am. I realize that I'm not perfect, my physical body may be not perfect, but I want accept it, God. Help me to gain Your plan in me with this body. In the name of Jesus Christ, my perfect Creator, Amen.

Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.
Rom. 6:13

God's Love (Christian Daily Devotion)

I walk my days
with Your love in this heart
In joy and sorrow
You’ve always been there to accompany

Like a beautiful melody
Your love echoes in my heart
When despair tortures
You come to show love to me

Your love has change my life
bringing freedom from oppressing past
Your love is the light of my life
guiding my steps to the just
Your love is the true love

Your presence gives meaning to my life
gives hope to my soul
You make me understand that
nothing compares to Your great love
Your love is the true love


i'm not superwomen!!!!!-no longer i am

It happened again. What a "testing" day! Since I woke up in the morning, my heart was filled with worries. I have stayed awake for a whole night, but I couldn't finish my job. There is a great burden in my heart, "How can I finish all these tasks?"

But it was my fault. I let the worry controlled me. All that I'd been thinking about was that I have to solve them all, today. I forgot that I'm not a super woman who can do anything.

Thank God, in the middle of working on those stuffs, I stopped and decided to pray. I said, "God, I've been through days like this with great effort, my own effort. And the result was, I was terribly exhausted. God, I don't know what will happen today, but allow me to surrender all in me to You. Please, accept me. Help me to make the best out of me, today. Help me to finish my part, today. In the name of Jesus, Amen."

After praying, I felt calmer. Next thing I knew was I did what I should do, I did what I could do. I also felt that God opened my heart wider than before. I accepted things that didn't run according to my will. I saw the goodness of others more than the previous. And in such situation, I could feel that He wanted me to keep being generous to others. The truth is I am no longer I am when I give everything in His mighty hands.

Try it!!!


When I first met you all those years ago,
I fell in love so fast, I knew right then,
You were the one and only one for me;
I'd never have to look for love again.
Each anniversary finds us happier;
You are my light--my moon, my star, my sun.
You show me what real love is all about,
You fill my life with pleasure, joy and fun.
As time goes by, our love grows stronger still.
You're the most amazing man I ever knew.
I prize our anniversaries because
Each year I fall in love again with you.


BE AS YOU WISH (Christian Daily Devotion)

We’ve been in the 10th week of 2013. Once our pastor asked us, me and my friends, “What is the difference between 2013 and 2012 for you?” This question made us think a little bit harder. What is the difference, hah...?

If you receive the same question, what will be your answer?

Our answers might be different. Maybe some of us consider this year better than last year, or maybe some of us think the opposite consideration. But the answer of the pastor made me realize something. He said that this year could be the same, of different than the previous, based on what we said and believed. If we feel that this year there is new spirit, new vision, new blessing... then, BE AS YOU WISH!!

When I was thinking about it, I decided to gather all the positive energy, all of my dreams, and then, bring them in my prayer. “God, all I want is to have a more meaningful life this year.” I remind myself to give thanks. I rearrange my action plan for the dreams I have. What about you?

“But, you don’t understand. I’ve been through series of bad events within these weeks. It seems like nothing goes right!” Is it what you feel now? Then, will your rest 49 weeks be destroyed only by this saying?

Bible does tell us about a Canaanite woman who begged for her daughter’s recovery from being possessed to Jesus. We can see her strong will; even Jesus’ “mean” reply was ignored. She remained believing that she would receive what she asked.

Let’s say good things! Think of good things! Dream of good things! Ask for good things! Pray for good things! Have faith on good things! I can never guarantee that you will always experience good things, but Jesus Christ can guarantee that He will never leave you; He will always be with you, in all circumstances. Then... be strong!!!

God, thank you for Your promise that You’ll never leave me. I give You my days. Work on best things in my life, God. Amen.

Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Mat. 15:28


posted from Bloggeroid


Christian Daily Devotion: DREAM HOUSE

Christian Daily Devotion: DREAM HOUSE: There was a little girl who lived in a small house. From their very simple house, the girl often looked across the valley, where a b...

GOD'S PLAN IS ALWAYS THE BEST|! (\Christian Daily Devotion)

How do you feel if you never get things that you really want? It’s a bit annoying, actually, but that’s how I feel about this life. Sometimes I thought that I was a kind of person who knew exactly what I really wanted, such as to which school I wanted to study, but I was wrong.

I used to think that my choice is the best choice in life. And because of this “wrong independent thought”, I had to make many times of adjustments. What kind of adjustment? Well, when I entered my senior high school, I remembered that I came there with low low motivation. Why? Because It was not the one I wanted. I had to arrange my feeling every time I went to school, and it took about 6 months for me to realized that I was there not by coincidence, but by a plan that only God who knew.

It happened again when I wanted to go to university. I was planning to enter one of the universities in my city right after graduating from senior high school. But God set another plan. My parents had no money to bring me in, that’s why I had to find it by my own (it means that I have to work first to get some money for college) and it took three years for me to have them. In the fourth year I knew that I could not enter public university since I’d missed the proper years to join the submission test. Finally, I went to a private college not for from my house.

The college where I studied used to be a quite popular college (with its major faculty), but a year before I entered, there was a problem inside the foundation and a huge demonstration could not be avoided. Because of this problem, there were only two classes in the first year, in my year.

What could I say then? I felt like I was in the wrong place and at the wrong time. I said that because I still did not know what His plan for me, and I started to realize it when I was in the second semester.

Because there were not many students, the lecturers were more focused on us and I had less difficulty in earning good score in almost every class. It also influenced the dean’s consideration in giving scholarship. In short, I could get finance aid until I graduated and had more chance to deepen my knowledge through several competitions. And the best thing of all, I could also know good new friends in God. In conclusion, I finally knew what’s God plan for me.

We might think that we know everything, that we know what’s the best for us, but trust me, God’s plans is far more better compared to our plans. What we have to do is being patient until He reveals those plans. You may not trust me, but you absolutely can trust Him.