Glitter Words


If I ask you this question, "If you have a choice, what part of your body that you want to replace? Why don't you like them or why do you want to replace them?" what is your answer?

"I want to replace my eyes. I am slant-eyed and I don't like it. I want to have bigger and rounder eyes."
"I don't like my legs. I think they are too short. I want to replace them with longer legs so I can be taller than I'm now."
"I think I hate my face. No one considers me pretty. That's why I want to replace it and have a more beautiful face. I will have a surgery to make myself prettier, then no one will think that I'm ugly anymore."

Let's see the phenomena happening in these modern days. More people want to be like other people. The straight hair want to be the curly hair. On the contrary, the curly hair will have their hair smoothed. The darker skin want to be the white skin. While the white skin tanned their skin under the sun. Huft... what a confusing world.

It's okay to have a new look, it sometimes can refresh our mind. But, try to love yourself for whatever you are. Does God say that each of us is precious before Him? Does He say that His creation, us, is a perfect creation? Some people even think that when God creates us, He will destroy our blueprint as soon as we are created. It means that no one compares to us. We are the only we in this universe. You are the only you in this universe. Can you imagine that?

Accepting our self is one way to show our gratitude to God. God never forbid us to take care of our body, but he doesn't want us to take care of it for other purposes beside truth, His truth. Besides, our body isn't eternal. Now I urge you to love yourself the way you are, because you are precious before God's eyes.

God, thank you for making me the way I am. I realize that I'm not perfect, my physical body may be not perfect, but I want accept it, God. Help me to gain Your plan in me with this body. In the name of Jesus Christ, my perfect Creator, Amen.

Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.
Rom. 6:13

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