Glitter Words


People often think that the greatest gifts are the expensive and rare ones, but I don't think so. We can always give priceless gift at all days in our life. What is that? It is smile. Smile is the easiest and cheapest kindness we can give to others. Believe it or not, but smile can even transform hatred into love.

There are two people who live as neighbors. Their houses are not too far but they haven't known each other. One of them is a christian who loves to go to church, and each time she goes to church, she will pass her neighbor's house.

Without obvious reason, her neighbor didn't like her. It was expressed every time they met. The neighbor would always give a strange look and a way face. This christian never dared to ask why her neighbor did so. All she did was praying and asking God what should she do. One day she woke up with something in her mind. She decided to smile. She thought that smiling was a free and positive thing to do and she believed that it would make her neighbor's attitude changed over her.

Since that day, this christian always smiles to the neighbor. It didn't show any positive result at first, but in the next days, she finds that her strategy works, her neighbor starts to smile too. Now, they have a good relationship.

We can be God's hand in order to bless people through little things. You don't have to do dramatic or awesome things to attract them; just do something simple, as smiling.

Smile and the world will smile with you.
The world can't always make you smile,
but each time you smile, the world will also smile.

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