Glitter Words


Love Changes Everything ~ Many people race for success in this world. They will do everything for it, even use inappropriate ways. Here is the moment when people start to leave love. They become selfish people and only want to put their interest above others.
When failure comes, no one will care about them and despair will be their only friend. Greed, wealth, honors, and selfishness becomes boomerang for they who sow it. Without love, we live alone, and our soul is empty.
In love there is no failure. In love there is no loneliness. Love can change everything; it turns curse into blessing, it turns sorrow into joy, it turns tears into laugh.
When we love someone, we indirectlychange his life; we also change ours. At that moment, God is stretching out His hand to renew and bless us. That’s why never stop loving others for it will draw God’s perfect love closer to our life.
Love is the most powerful weapon in taking over a situation. In a pure love, no one will ever hurt our feeling. When the pain comes, love will change it into blessing for they who hurt us. So, let’s start racing to love and get prepared for awesome blessing from God.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
1Cor. 13:7-9

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