Glitter Words

Several things God drew me to today:

  • Jesus went away:: Even Jesus needed to get away from it all sometimes & just be alone, un-distracted with the Father. As I processed today I listed all the things that make me distracted and less likely to spend 'quality' time with God at home. Noise. Laundry. A messy house. Sleepiness. But Godcould meet with me in my crazy messy noisy house. I know that. But Jesus could have also met with God in His bed at Simon & Andrew's house. But He didn't. What a relief. What a relief to know that there is something sacred about running away to steal some time with God by yourself. Jesus gets me. He needed it too. And if He needed it, surely He understands my need.
  • Jesus understood the desire to be closer to the Father:: What a burden it must have been to be so distant from God in flesh while for so long being so close in nature. He wanted to be near God. Just the two ONE of them. Again, Jesus gets me.
  • Jesus kept eternal perspective in the midst of pressing circumstances:: I *LOVE* that in vs. 36 it says Simon & his party posse interrupted Jesus' alone time saying "Everyone is looking for you." Oh man do I know that feeling. Well, not really. But I do know what it feels like to not go to the bathroom by myself. Or not read a magazine without someone needing to know when someone elseneeds to go down for a nap. Or not get to spend time alone with the Lord during 'nap time' without being interrupted by mid-nap crying. But how does Christ respond? “Let us go somewhere that I may preach there also; for that is what I came for.” He knows his role in eternity. This passage begged the question of me - Do I know my role in eternity? Am I content to live out that role despite pressing circumstances? Or am I going to spitefully hoard my "me time"?
I am not God. I am, however, a woman/student/campus missionary. And I need to be prepared, through the power of the Spirit, to respond as Christ did in this passage. And what a relief to know that in this season of life, the Lord of my life and God of the universe actually 'gets' me. He was well acquainted with desiring God more, needing space & yet still being asked to serve.

Would you join me in praying for me (and you!) to live out this passage? Oh, how I desperately needed this sweet reminder!!

                     Thanks y'all. See ya again when God inspires another post. ;).....GOD BLESS US!!!

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