Glitter Words

I Love The Little Things In Life lifestyle.........

I love that each thing I do in MY life, makes MY life what it is.

I love waking up in the morning and just laying there for a while; looking at the curtains, looking at my arms stretch up to the ceiling, the feelings I get after a good dream, and I love the sway of the trees outside my window.

I love the sounds of the piano, guitar but only sometimes. When the song is revealing something amazing inside me. When the high notes match the low notes, and the notes in-between are like the clouds touching the Earth; gentle, but present.

I love looking at the stars at night.
I love the feel of grass on my ankles.
The softness of my puppies ears.
Someones eyes when they have just realized something.
I love the sound of a good laugh.
I love adventures that may seem small, but they really mean something to you.

I love life, all that makes it up, all that makes it tough, all that makes life what it is. 
Because life is enough to live happily.....................................................ENOUGH FOR TODAY.............

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