Glitter Words

On my birthday - 14052016


Father, I thank you today, for the salvation of my soul

Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life.

Thank you for my life which is ordained and set out by You!

Thank you for choosing me – to come to the earth and be an instrument to show forth Your praise.

Thank you for all the people who remembered and will remember me today by sending cards, gifts and good wishes.

Thank you for GRACE, SALVATION, MERCY, LOVE and all the other many things you bless me with.

Thank You for all the tokens of love that remind me of how I am loved and appreciated.

Thank you for all the experience of the past years

for times of success; for which all glory will forever return to You,

for times of failure; which reminded me of my own weakness and absolute dependence on You

for times of joy which reassures me of your ever abiding presence

for times of sadness which drove me closer to you as my only True Friend

I can not thank You enough for what You have done  in my life,

To bring me to where I am today.

The fact that You made it known to me, that where I am in my life is

Just mediocrity; that You have higher expectations for me.

You have taught me that I can overcome those seemingly impossible things

just by listening to your voice; obeying,  and holding Your hand every step of the way.

Forgive me for the hours I wasted, the chances I failed to take,

and the opportunities I missed in the past years.

Today I reaffirm that You are my Creator and Sustainer

In you I live and move and have my being

I commit this birthday to You

May I honour You more than ever on this special day and each day of my life

I want to know You more, take 'time out' to be with You more and love You more.

Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year so far,

and through and through, to glorify Your Holy Name,

This year and for the rest of my life
